Saturday, April 12, 2014

African Violets

Let's begin to showcase what I have here. I figured species specific posts might be a good way to go, otherwise it wold make for a very long post.

African violets (Saintpaulia) - I remember my mom having them when I grew up. I also used to have a number of them, although I don't recall any following when we moved. I also used to propagate them a lot (I didn't do anything fancy either, cut a leaf and plopped it into a pot with regular potting soil) and it worked most of the time. I'm actually trying to propagate some now and I know at least one leaf has taken up roots so far.

 Although fairly easy to maintain (if not entirely forgotten about), and available in many MANY varieties, I only have two mature plants, and both recently purchased.

This first one I got from the liquidation shelf at my favourite garden center in town for less than a dollar. While not in bloom at the time, I saw tiny flower buds that were about to shoot up and the plant looked generally healthy so I brought it home. I didn't really know what the colour would be, but who doesn't enjoy a surprise? And I got to "save" a plant!

The flowers are fairly small and look really delicate. I quite like them. Nice deep violet with a white edging.

The second African violet plant is pictured below. There is a funny story with this one. I actually bought it around the same time as African violet #1 (if not on the same day). This one I got from the local supermarket. They had a small display with a few plants and this one was the most interesting looking I found. I picked it up to look at it and just as I did, another women came to the table, picked a few and put them in her basket then kept eying the one in my hand and hovered around, probably waiting to see if I was going to put it back down and likely would have snatched it up as well. But I didn't. I have to say, the fact that it was being coveted by someone else made it all the more tempting to purchase (as well as the low price, although not as low as African violet #1)!

The cuttings I have growing will likely get their own posts. And, if successful, I'm not entirely sure what the end colour of that/those plant(s) will be. Guess I'll have to wait and see!

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