Saturday, April 26, 2014

Unknown succulent

I took the pictures in this post over a week ago - just to show that I did intend to post earlier but got sidetracked. I also tried to find out more about this plant; unfortunately, like many of the other succulents I find in stores around here, it came with no label, or at least no helpful label ("assorted succulent" doesn't do much in terms of identification).

I purchased this plant from a big box store that will go unnamed, and not a store I like to generally go to. But it has been a store where I've been lucky about finding Thanksgiving cacti in the past so I thought maybe they would carry Easter cacti (this was when I was still hunting around for one). They didn't have any, but it appears that they had received an array of succulents that day, or might have had them for a few days but kept the two trays out of reach and therefore intact. The price for for the plant and clay pot was quite reasonable so I ended up bringing two plants home (the other one will have it's own post).

Initially, I thought it was a type of Haworthia, but as I looked online, I started wondering if it might be some type of aloe. I'm still unsure. I was actually debating between this one and a "typical" Haworthia that I can find just about anywhere, so this one won due to the fact that it appears more unique and rare around here. And I did love the touch of peachy salmon colour.

It also came with several little pups, although at this time I have no intention of separating them, mostly because I wouldn't know how (must do some reading) and because I only have so much space left for plants. I might move it into a larger container if it starts looking too cramped.

It used to sit by my patio door, one of the two locations that gets the most direct sunlight (southern exposure). While the other succulent I bought along it as really seemed to enjoy the sun, this flowers that were to be on this one dried up so I have since moved it a little further back, and along the window facing East. It seems to be enjoying it there.

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