Saturday, April 12, 2014

Schlumbergera - Part 2

I don't think this will be as long as part one, as I don't have nearly as much history with these plants, but you never know...

I'll continue numbering from where I left off (so we'll be staring at number four here) and in this case, I'll be going in order the plants were purchased.

Thanksgiving cactus #4

In truth, #4 and #5 were both purchased on the same occasion, from a big box store that will remain nameless. I did go to this store to find Schlumbergera, and more specifically, one who's blooms were (some variation of) orange. And since I selected #4 before #5, it gets the privilege to go "first".

This lovely specimen came in a six inch pot, and was really reasonably priced. It was hidden on a shelf, likely because it had no flowers left (neither did the other Schlumbergera available in this size pot or those available in four inch pots). So why would I, when I was looking for a very specific buy not only one, but two plants that show no obvious indication of being what I was looking for?

Because they were a really good deal and apparently I have no will power.

Truthfully though, there was one plant that had a label in in that would lead you to believe you that that specific one was orange. However, since none of the others had a label and that I don't believe that store is particularly careful about labels going in the proper plant and that it could have easily been misplaced and that the plant to which it was associated at the time looked pretty bad, I passed and got the one pictured above instead.

I had purchased this just as I had transplanted the other three at home and not knowing if they were all going to make it, it was my opportunity to get a nice full plant for cheap.

Flower bud?

I'm hopeful that I might this one to bloom in the near future. It appears to have what might be flower buds showing here and there - they are still tiny little things and are dark purple in colour.

Thanksgiving cactus #5

Unlike #4, this one is in a four inch pot and wasn't nearly as much of a deal as the other, nor did it look too great when I got it. So why did it come home? Because, based on the dried flowers that were within it's plastic envelope, it might be orange. Now there is no guarantee; the flower could have changed colour a little when drying, it could have come from another plant...but I figured it was worth the risk. Unlike #4 though, it doesn't seem keen to be producing flower buds right now, instead focusing on new segments.

New segment growing!

Thanksgiving cactus #6

This one was purchased the same week as the two previous plants, but from a different store.

Having purchased two new plants already, did I need a third one that also was not in bloom? No. However, this one was labelled red and based on what I could see, if flowers are true to what came with it (and this store is better with labeling when they do), the blooms should be similar to the ones on the Schlumbergera I thought I was losing.

New segment! was on sale. A plant this size for ten dollars seemed like a good bargain so home it came!

Tiny flower bud

So this is it for my fairly mature Thanksgiving cacti. I do have a few cuttings on the go, as well as a small pot with a few cuttings that was given to me with I was told were from a true Christmas cactus, but I have a feeling they might be the same as what I already have. Those cuttings are still small so it is hard tell for sure, and it will be covered in a subsequent post.

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