Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter cactus update


Well yes!

Almost two weeks ago I posted about my new Easter cactus (Hatiora gaertneri) and how happy I was to have finally found one. However, it's flower buds were mostly tiny and the entire plant looked like this.

Two weeks ago

So what does it look like now? Well none of the buds have opened yet, but I don't think they are very far!


Although we had a late Easter this year, the plant "missed the boat" as far as blooming for it's namesake. That is perfectly fine with me - the whole Spring got delayed this year. I do, however, keep checking it every morning so to catch that first opened bloom!

And for some time I meant to post an entry about how good I was behaving. On a few occasions, I have returned to the store from which I purchased my lovely orange Easter cactus, tempted to get another. Sadly, most of the available plants that were a different colour weren't in as good a shape, and had some stains on them that might have been left by water, but I didn't want to chance it being mealy bugs. So everytime I left empty handed and was quite proud of this feat.

(I'll also add that although most of the other colours available had buds that were far more advanced than the plant with orange flowers, none of them, as of yesterday, were opened  yet either).

Anyways, good thing I didn't post about that bit of self control because....I brought another Easter cactus home. Not from the same store and I have to say, from all the Hatiora gaertneri I looked at over these past weeks, this one seemed one of the healthiest ones (although even if my orange one is smaller, I do think it's healthier and more plump over all, even if this new one is bigger).

The flower buds are a magenta colour and I'm curious to see what they'll look like when they open. I don't think my regular store had this exact shade either.

I am now quite satisfied with the Easter cacti I have - and I do have a few cuttings from other coloured plants (from segments that had fallen off their mother plant) going so we'll see how they thrive.

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