Sunday, April 27, 2014

Another NOID Succulent

This one I bought along with the Haworthia or Aloe (still unsure). I do believe this one is a type of Echeveria, although which one I couldn't say. Initially I thought maybe it was a Perle Von Nurnberg (PVN), but I am not so sure anymore; in fact, the only reason I thought it was, was because of it's pink/purple colour, but now I think the leaves are too narrow and possibly too "fat" to be a PVN.

April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014

The pictures above were taken shortly after I brought it home. It looked quite etiolated, but is now in front of my largest south facing window and I think it is enjoying it there. I think it has started to take a better form, leaves are slowly tightening towards the center and baby plants (or possible future flower stem, I don't know) that were there when I purchased the plant, although hidden, are now much more obvious to spot. I don't think it's because those parts have grown, so much as the existing leaves got out of their way.

The following pictures were taken yesterday, and I think you can see that the there has been some progress in shaping (and even in colouring!)

April 26, 2014
April 26, 2014 

April 26, 2014

This succulent might not be the PVN I was looking for (and who knows if I'll ever have one, given the difficulties around finding properly tagged succulents around here), but it is a lovely specimen all the same!

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