Sunday, April 13, 2014

Crocus (2013)

Something tells me I should be holding back a little, and not dump posts too fast on this new blog. In fact, I really should be keeping something to be a bit more constant in my posts instead of dumping and being silent for some time.

After all, while the nice season for taking pictures of plants and flowers outside is coming up, I will have to deal with months where nothing interesting will be happening (November to March).

But I can't help it.

Spring is finally starting to come around; snow is gone, however it is still a little cool and the yard is a mess of slimy residue, nothing to be too excited for at this time.

I was looking back at pictures I've taken over the years, and thought that I might have enough there to partake in Throwback Thursdays on the blog, at least for some time. As such, these pictures should be kept for Thursday, but I really can't wait for Spring flowers to start popping up this year, I figured I'd post these pictures now (as I was looking at them this morning).

Crocuses. One of my favourite Spring flowers. I would love to plant some on my property, yet I seem unable to find bulbs around here to be purchased.

The following pictures were taken on my birthday last year. I took the day off and went around taking pictures with the new camera I received as a gift from my boyfriend. I remember it being a lovely warm and sunny day. But warm means slim pickings for crocuses that were still nice and upright.

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